Backgammon Dice

We carry a complete line of precision, 12.5mm, 14mm, and 16mm backgammon dice. You can find out more about precision dice here.

You may purchase backgammon pairs in any of these sizes. You may also purchase design-your-own (DYO) packs in the same sizes.

Precision backgammon dice currently are available in ten colours. Please note that amber was discontinued a couple of years ago. 

No ETA for restock as of April 2024.

Precision backgammon dice available in ten basic colours

Precision backgammon dice are also available in white with colour spots (red, pink, orange, green, and blue). Unless otherwise noted, all spots on each die are the same colour. Black, dark-blue, and green dice are also available with pink spots. 

Green with pink pips in 16mm also available.

Available stock shown in brackets as singles (i.e., not pairs).

Currently [March 2023] no ETA on restock, sorry. 

12.5mm Backgammon Dice
white [0]; black [0]; dark-red [0]; dark-blue [0]; green [0]; saffron [0]; pink [0]; bright-red [0]; light-blue [0]; tangerine-red [0]
12.5mm pair $30 + S&H

14mm Backgammon Dice
white [0]; black [0]; dark-red [0]; dark-blue [0]; green [0]; saffron [0]; pink [0]; light-blue [0]; bright-red [0]; tangerine-red [0]
14mm pair $30 + S&H

16mm Backgammon Dice
white [0]; black [0]; dark-red [0]; dark-blue [0]; green [0]; saffron [0]; pink [2]; bright-red [2]; light-blue [3]; tangerine-red [4]

16mm pair $30 + S&H

Please email for a quote.

Design-your-own (DYO) packs - email for a quote
Mix and match colours and quantities

Colour pips!
Quantities (single die) in brackets following each colour
Please email to order.
12.5mm $20 each, $35 pair
DARK-BLUE with pink [0] pips
GREEN with pink [0] pips
BLACK with orange[0]/pink[0pips 
WHITE with green[0]/blue[0]/red[0]/pink[0]/orange[0] pips

14mm $20 each $35 pair
DARK-BLUE with pink [0] pips
GREEN with pink [0] pips
BLACK with orange[0]/pink[0] pips 
WHITE with green[0]/blue[0/red[0]/pink[0]/orange[0] pips

16mm $20 each
DARK-BLUE with pink [0] pips
BLACK with pink[0]/orange[0] pips
WHITE with orange[[0]/pink[0] pips

Green dice with pink pips and white die with pink pips
See above for colours and quantities in stock.

Please email for a quote.

12.5mm DYO Combat Six-Packs
Pick a team colour for five dice.
Then pick a BLACK , or a WHITE die with colour pips.

12.5mm Combat Six-Pack $75 (bright-red dice in photo; white die has red pips) 

14mm DYO Combat Six-Packs
Pick a team colour for five dice.
Then pick a BLACK or a WHITE die with colour pips.

14mm Combat Six-Pack $75 (dark-blue dice in photo; pink pips on black die)

16mm DYO Combat Six-Packs
Pick a team colour for five dice.
Then pick a BLACK or a WHITE die with colour pips.

16mm Combat Six-Pack $65 (green dice in photo; orange pips on black die)

Want to learn more about precision dice? See our post here.

Need tracking, or a special order?
Please email: battleschool at rogers dot com for a quote.

We accept PayPal, money orders in USD or CAD, and personal cheques drawn on Canadian and US banks.


Julia from NYC said...

Can I be notified when the black backgammon dice with colored spots are available?

Chris Doary said...

Hi Julia, thanks for the question.

We will post an update on this page when the black dice with coloured spots are due to arrive. Balck with pink spots, and black with red, orange, and yellow spots are in the queue. However, the dice are not scheduled to arrive before 2014. Sorry. If you would like to be kept update with the production schedule, simply email us at battleschool at rogers dot com


Helen and Chris

Julia from NYC said...

Thanks - I will check in with email. Looks like they are still not up.

Chris Doary said...


Good news, black dice with pink spots are due to arrive before the end of 2014. We will have some in 12.5mm and 14mm.

Thanks for your patience.

Whiskey said...

When will 16mm white and dark blue precision backgammon dice be available?

Chris Doary said...

@ Whiskey Victor,

Thanks for the question. Our next shipment is due to arrive mid to late May. It will contain 14mm and 16mm backgammon dice.

14mm (9/16”) (white spots)

16mm (⅝”) (white spots)

Whiskey said...

That's great. Just drop me a line when they're in.

Chris Doary said...

Will do! :)

Unknown said...

When is the next batch of dice going to arrive?

Chris Doary said...

Hi Adam,

Thanks for posting the question.

Earliest estimated arrival is the first week of January, or in about six weeks time.

essai said...

Hello, is there a new arrival of dices ?
Thanks per advance for your answer.

Chris Doary said...

@ Arch Arch,

Thanks for the question.

We spoke with production earlier today. Fingers crossed, we should be restocked the last week of January, or 14-18 days from now.

Sorry for the delay. Our "free shipping" special (all dice orders over $50) will run until the end of February.

Chris Doary said...

I can confirm that our dice shipment will be here by 29 January, or in a few days.

Sorry for the lengthy delay.

Michael DeCicco said...

How precise are these dice? I see the word precise but nothing on how far off each side is in weight?

Chris Doary said...

Hi Michael,

Thanks for posting the question.

The short answer is that the dice are equally weighted on all sides as a result of the manufacturing process. They are also checked with a micrometer as part of quality control. The tolerance is in the neighbourhood of 1/10,000th of an inch, or less than the thickness of a human hair.

For a more detailed explanation of how precision dice are made, I recommend that you read my post below.



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi, can I order thé 16mm pink dice or are you out if stock right now.

Unknown said...

Follow up question, is it possible to have thé 16 mm pink without de serial number. All of my dices do not have a serial number and I would like to keep it that way. Thanks

Chris Doary said...

Salut Pierre,

Thanks for the questions.

None of our dice have serial numbers stamped on them.

At the moment, we have no pink (or green) backgammon dice in 16mm. We do have two black with pink spots in 16mm.

We also have plenty of pink dice in 14mm.

We will not have more pink in 16mm before May. Sorry.

Bonne journée,

Helen and Chris

Chris Doary said...

Partial restock effective today.

Green, saffron, and pink (12.5mm and 16mm) back in stock.

Check quantities available in brackets following each size.

DIce with colour pips (12.5mm and 16mm) will be available again in June.

Thanks for your patience.

Chris Doary said...

Big restock complete.

White dice with orange or pink pips now available in 12.5mm and 16mm.

Large selection of white and black dice with colour pips to choose from.

Nine basic colours to choose from in 14mm. Even more selection in 12.5mm and 16mm.

Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike said...


i couldnt find an option to get information about SH Costs to Europe(Austria).
Can you just give me an estimate for 2 Pair of 16mm backgammon dice?

best regards.

Chris Doary said...

Good day/Guten Tag Mike,

Thanks for the question.

At the moment, shipping is free on orders over $50.

If you only need two pairs of 16mm BG dice, shipping is $8, for a total of $44, based on July's prices.


Chris Doary said...

Restock complete as of 11 August 2017.

Now available: light-blue dice with orange pips.

Watch for photo of these (and green dice with orange pips) this weekend.

Unknown said...

Hey there,

I've had some bad luck with backgammon dice with the pips rubbing out or fading, has this ever happened with your dice? Or is there a dice or pip colour to avoid to decrease the chance?

Chris Doary said...

Hi Samuel,

Thanks for the question.

We have been selling precision backgammon dice since 2010. During that period we have not witnessed fading of the pips. That said, it is certainly possible that some of the colour pips are less stable when exposed to sunlight for long periods, but then you shouldn't leave precision dice in the sun to begin with. Extreme heat or cold may lead to expansion and contraction that might cause a pip to pop out of its well. To our knowledge this has only occurred once in seven years.

As for the pips rubbing off, that would require a belt sander, or some other aggressive treatment. Have a look at the post below (if you have not already done so). You will note that each pip is composed of epoxy roughly 3mm or 1/8 of an inch thick. The pips are recessed into the body of the dice, and polished flush with the surface. They are not painted on the surface of the die, as is the case with most dice.

If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the quick reply, that was very informative. Just one followup question, you say the pips are recessed then polished flush. Just looking at the blue dice w/ pink pips, it looks like the pips are certainly not flush with the dice, in this case is that pre-polish, or are those ones different, or am I seeing them wrong?

Chris Doary said...

Hi again Samuel,

That's a bit of an optical illusion with the pink pips on the blue die. They are flush.

What you're seeing is the side of the wells. It makes the pips appear to be floating on the surface of the die. The top of each pip is level with the surface of the die. Each die is milled and polished flush after the epoxy sets. Alll photos are of finished dice.

Unknown said...

Do you maybe have blank 14mm (9/15") precision dice in dark-red ,dark-green , dark-blue and pink? By blank I mean without spots or holes for them (brushed or non brushed ,doesn't matter ) .

Chris Doary said...

Thanks for the question.

Sorry, but we do not stock dice "blanks."

They are available as a special order, but there would be a minimum quantity for each colour/size.

Unknown said...

I will need 20 green , 20 dark-red dices with pips, and 50 blank dark-blue , 50 blank pink dices . All in the same size of 14.2mm (9/15") . Price and shipping time ?
Kind regards

Chris Doary said...

@ M.Grbovic,

Thanks for the request. Please refer our email.


Helen and Chris

Unknown said...

I would like to get 2 pairs of backgammon precision dices , but I am not sure which size to select, 12 mm, 14mm or 16mm. I do not have any experience regarding the rolling diversity. Could anyone explain which size should I purchase in terms of rolling ? Which is more standard and accepted throughout the legal tournaments?
Thanks a lot.

Chris Doary said...

Hi Cem,

Thanks for the question.

Although some people prefer 12.5mm, which gets the most "action" in a dice cup, 14mm is probably the most commonly used size at backgammon tournaments. The pips are also a bit larger, making them easier to read at a glance. Fewer players use 16mm for backgammon, but this size is very popular with other games.

Hope that helps.


Chris Doary said...


Generally speaking, it takes 6-10 business days for a package to arrive in Germany, or about two weeks not including the day the package ships.

That said, German customs (and other EU jurisdictions) can hold a package for a week or two before it clears.

Best estimate would be three weeks from the time a package leaves Canada for (western) Europe and arrives at its destination.

Unknown said...

I just have a quick question. Would these dice be a good choice for playing Warhammer 40k?

Chris Doary said...

Hi Charles,

Thanks for the question.

The 16mm dice would be best. The pips on the others can be hard to read from the other side of the table top.

Rica M. said...

Hi, Chris,

I’m from Japan and I am going to Edmonton this beginning of September. Is it possible to send from your place to my hotel in YEG? Of course I would be glad to pay forward by PayPal. 14mm / 2 white w blue, 2 blue w pink— in total 4 dice.
If it sounds good, please email me. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Are there blue dice with orange pips? I states so above but it doesnt even show a 0 in stock so was wondering if they were available

Chris Doary said...

No blue dice with orange pips, sorry. We had some made but the orange turned out more bronze/brown than orange.

Carlo said...

I ordered half a dozen of these dice. Really great communication during the process and a good deal considering how expensive precision backgammon dice are. Really excited to play a few games with them.

Chris Doary said...

Thanks for the feedback Carlo.

Much appreciated,


sam i sisifo said...

I'm keen to get 2 pair of precision dice for my custom backgammon set. 1 pr Blue/white dots and 1 pair White/blue dots but your stock current shows no White/blue dots available. Any ideas when you'll have more?

Chris Doary said...

Hi Sam,

What size were you looking for?

George Kelln said...

Hi Chris,

I am looking to purchase, 14mm Backgammon dice: Dark Red, White, Dark Blue, & Black.

In addition I am looking to purchase 4x Panzerknackern dice.

Can you help me out?



Nay said...

all the posts regrding backgammon precision dice are old. Do you still sell them? and if yes, do we still have access to DYO? any idea when you will receive new inventory?

Chris Doary said...

Hi George,

Just seeing your question today. Sorry.

I'll follow up with an email.

As a general note, we don't have any 12.5mm or 14mm backgammon dice left, and we have none due to arrive in 2023.

Esmaeil said...

Hi Chris
I am looking to purchase minimum 30 pairs of 14mm precision dice with deferent body and spot colors. Please reply the following questions.
1-How to order?
2- The production and shipping duration to Canada.
Thank you and I look forward to your reply

Chris Doary said...

Hi Esmaeli,

Apologies for the late reply and thanks for the questions.

Unfortunately all backgammon dice are backordered for more than a year. It's unlikely we will have any in stock even in 2024. Sorry.

Chris Doary said...

Just a short note to confirm that no backgammon dice are due to arrive this year, sorry. The manufacturer is focussed on craps dice for casinos, of which there is a big demand still to fill. All we have left in stock is a small amount of 16mm dice. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Chris Doary said...

One other thing to add. It's unlikely that there will be any more dice with colour pips. The costs to manufacture the large minimum runs are simply too prohibitive. The epoxy is expensive and the process labour intensive. Pity, because we don't know of anyone else who was producing these.

Esmaeil said...

Dear Chris
Thanks for your quick reply
Could you please , send me the list of 16mm dice.

Shane said...

Not so patiently awaiting for a restock as I need 10 more 14mm Green!

I'm so spoiled by the quality of the sets I previously ordered I don't want other dice!

Unknown said...

Any restocking of the colour pip dice? Thanks!

Chris Doary said...

Unfortunately not this year.